Sunday, July 20, 2008

First day of the process...

It was nice to finally see the young people/teens who have ceased to be screen captures on a laptop. They live, breathe, and even talk! It's quite exciting.

Today was a great day of learning each other's names, tendencies and experiences with class/race/culture. It's not a production until Frances-Anne asks you how much your father makes a year in front of 20 people. (true story) While I'm bound to a confidentiality agreement that says I cannot reveal the secrets of the process, I will simply reveal that the rudiments of this process were established today - and they work!

Today's workshop featured various "A Winter Tale" alums, so it's nice to know that getting your head banged on a washing machine makes you friends. (Yes, that's an inside joke. Watch the movie if you want to be hip and 'with it'.) We had lots of varying actors of varying ages and levels of experience. I'm happy to report that no one has yet to use the term 'geezer' or 'silly child', so I consider it a success already. There was a rumour that one of the younger members would be a human sacrifice at the end of the day, but that has not been confirmed. Yet.

In all seriousness, it was a highly productive and entertaining day with lots of laughs, gasps and work. The younger members work diligently, the older members impart wisdom and those stuck in the middle alternate between trading war stories with the vets and trading pizza slices with the newbies. As first days go, this one was not too shabby... :)


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