Monday, September 7, 2009

September newz

Hello Lockdowners,

By now most of you who are owed money will have received your first checks. If not, they are on their way to you! Extra special thanks to Michael and Fila who defered payment til we get more money in, I appreciate it very much. I will let you all know when final payments are ready.

Many thanks and big hugs to each and every one of you for your patience and understanding. It was wonderful to have an opportunity to touch base with you all on the phone, either directly or through your parents, last week. It was great to hear your news, and about all your awesome summer adventures.

"Lockdown" was a huge success. Working on it was definately my highlight for 2008-9, and this was 100 per cent due to the pleasure of meeting and working with each and every one of you. Thank you for being part of my life and for the amazing opportunity to create this wonderful work.

As most of you know I faced a number of personal challenges this year. Living with cancer was/is one of them. But having our workshops to look forward to helped me stay positive through very difficult times. Also, my business took a big hit from the recession, and being sick didn't help. There were a number of opportunities I could not take advantage of because of my illness. Once again, your understanding meant we were able to stick together as a creative team. The result is an amazing product, proof that Art surmounts all challenges!

I know and hope that the rich experiences you gained while working on Lockdown will serve you well in many situations to come. Feel wonderful, because you are powerful, talented and loved. Keep in touch and let me know how you go, where your life journeys lead you.

Finally, I want to let you know that we will remount the play in the Spring of 2010. Auditions are scheduled for January, and there will be workshops/rehearsals in April to take the script and production to the next stage. Performance dates are the last two weeks of May, 1st week of June. Let me know if you are interested in participating and I will keep you posted going forward.

All best wishes and much love,
