Sunday, August 10, 2008


I am Giselle. I am sixteen years old and I skipped a grade. I live with my mom most of the time, but occasionally visit my dad because my brother lives with him. I want to do something great with my life; become a doctor or a teacher maybe. But I fnd it more and more difficult to find the motivation I need to begin realising that dream. I do really well in school, except my grades have slipped since I entered grade eleven. I'm really supposed to be in grade ten, but I did so well in grade nine, and took some online courses over the summer, so the school promoted me. I was so proud of myself until I stepped into my drama class. First period of the day, and I find myself face to face with my half-sister, Kimberley. I can't figure out what it was exactly that sparked our mutual hatred for one another, but ever since that time I have found no joy in being related to her. It wasn't so bad before; she was a year ahead of me and we stuck to our own circles and everything was okay. The only conflict really arose at home, but she'd usually go running to her dad's house and that would give my blood a chance to stop boiling. Unfortunately, now I'm stuck in class with her, so contact is unavoidable. I love the arts; particularly drama, but that love really is fading now. I'm so concerned with defening myself against Kimberley and her little posse that I can't concentrate on my work. I'm not a fighter, but I won't be walked all over, either. I think people underestimate me because I present myself as a mild-mannered bookworm, but there's more to me than that. I'm a thinker. I'd much rather hurt someone with words than with fists, and I'm smart enough to be able to hurt people without getting caught. I think that may be why Kimberley resents me. She's so caught up in being the center of attention, and the one everyone looks up to, that she knows nothing other than violence. I could have easily turned out that way, but I made a choice early on to not count myself out of a race before I'd even signed up. I don't give up. My sister does. I have a secret, but I'm still trying to figure it all out in my head, so it's still a secret form myself as much as it is from anyone else. I get along with Raef, but I don't like him that much. He never smiles. I don't think he knows how, and I personally don't believe in walking around with a rain cloud over my head all the time. Life's too short to spend it in misery. But I do know where he's coming from. He's younger than everyone in the class, and he can't handle Kimberley and the crew as well as me, because it's unfamiliar to him. I just wish he'd lighten up a bit. Find some humour in the situation. But I'm glad to have him, jsut the same. At least we can share the role of punching bag.

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