Saturday, September 6, 2008

Home work!

I hope you guys had a great two weeks off.

Here's a reminder of the homework that I mentioned at our last workshop:

1) Location study : Go to a school in what is called a "low income area" in Toronto, and make notes about what it is like. How is it like your school, or different from it?

2) Character study: Choose a real person who ressembles your character in significant ways. Study the person's habits and mannerisms, speech and thought patterns, accessories and dress. Try to understand why that person looks and behaves as he/ she does.
"Behavior is a form of communication".
That means everything a person is or does is a way of saying something about who they are, where they come from, where they are going and what they want the world to know about them.

1) Make notes about the real person here, if posible in the first person, using his or her voice.

2) Choose some bits of that real person to integrate into your fictional character to make him/her more authentic and layered. Bring some of those accessoris (if they are portable) to the next workshop...

Congratulations to you all for exploring the inner voices of your characters through the blog! All of it makes very compelling reading. Please continue to write as much as you like.

Finally, I am very pleased to welcome Lauren to our group, she will be joining us on Saturday!

Lots of love and look forward to seeing everyone nest week.


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