Thursday, February 26, 2009

Next workshop is March 21 and 22

Hello Gang,

Just confirming that the workshop next month will be on March 21 and 22, as originally planned, and NOT March 28/29).

I know this means that Braeden may not be able to join us, but I am expecting everyone else to be there. Please comfirm your availability in writing asap.

Here are the dates going forward once again"

Pre-meet March 19th, 6pm (Bobby, Lucky, Valerie, Michael, FA)
Workshop: March 21 and 22 - 9 to 5. Everyone

Pre-meet April 23rd, 6pm (Bobby, Lucky, Valerie, Michael, FA)
Workshop: April 25 and 26 - 9 to 5. Everyone

Pre-meet May 21st, 6pm (Bobby, Lucky, Valerie, Michael, FA)
Workshop: May - 23rd to 24th. Everyone

We will discuss rehearsal dates in June at our next workshop, based on everyone's schedule.

PERFORMANCES: There will be 7 performances at the Fringe Festival - times and dates TBA. These will take take place between JULY 1-12. Everyone.

Look forward to seeing you all soon,

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